Firstly can I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your families.

I would like to say a massive thanks to you all for your support and help in our Fair Funding for NPT Campaign. I cannot emphasise the importance of everyone clicking on the link and signing and most importantly sharing far and wide. Together we can hold the elected Senedd Members in the Welsh Government to account over allocating fair funding for NPT Council. Without this fair funding we face uncertain times; we may potentially see services being lost, potential job losses, cuts to our terms and conditions and austerity measures. We are all affected by a reduction of funding to our council revenues and this has a knock on to every member of the authority, their families and our communities .

In recent years, we, together, have shown that we can achieve a positive outcome by working in partnership on behalf of UNISON and the Council. A better than average settlement will help keep our services in- house, and protect our terms and conditions as well as our our jobs. Thank you again for your support .

We will face uncertain times in 2023, however, we are stronger working as a team. Our priorities are to campaign to keep our services public, bring services back in-house, protect our terms and conditions and support our valued members. We face the uncertainty of the cost of living crisis and a Tory Government however we are a Labour controlled Welsh Government which will help us in maintaining our jobs.

Our Branch Officers are working in partnership with elected members, officers and HR to resolve any concerns informally if possible. We recognise that our workforce has diminished over the last few years with experienced staff members leaving on ER/VR . This is now showing a strain on staff left who have to pick up the work. Our number one reason for staff sickness are Mental Health issues. We have agreed to seek to support staff currently suffering with Mental Health and have recently signed up for the ‘Time to Change’ that will support staff with their Mental Health and Wellbeing to remain healthy whilst in work .

We are pleased to be working in partnership regarding agile working and the fantastic Future of Work team over the cost of living crisis along with mileage costs. We also are going to be seeking your views and opinions on the NJC Pay claim 2023 now the 2022 offer has been accepted.

If you are interested in becoming more involved in your fantastic UNISON branch please contact our office.

Again can I personally thank you for your membership and I look forward to seeing you all in our AGMs in 2023.

In Solidarity ,

Your Acting Branch Secretary and Branch Chair    
Mark Fisher